RE-Development Academy Real Estate Webinar Recordings Available

In Fall 2019, EPA’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization hosted a three-part RE-Development Academy Real Estate Webinar Series.

The webinars covered the redevelopment process from a property developer’s perspective and the process for redeveloping a contaminated site. Key topics included:

  • Factors that motivate or discourage development of contaminated properties
  • How and when developers make decisions
  • Special issues to consider (compatibility of site cleanup and reuse, contaminant type & location, institutional or engineering controls, etc.)
  • Pre- and post-redevelopment activities, determining cost and return on investment

Check out the recorded webinars and increase your understanding of the real estate redevelopment process!

Redevelopment Process: The Intersection of Real Estate and Brownfields

Peering into the Crystal Ball: How the Market Decides Future Use

Pulling Back the Curtain: How Developers Make Money!