Patricia Overmeyer is the Deputy Director of the EPA’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization. A pioneer in the field, she has been a leader in shaping brownfield redevelopment policies and implementation for nearly 25 years. Prior to becoming OBLR’s Deputy Director, she also served as Team Leader for the Brownfields Policy, Research and Outreach Team and worked in US EPA’s Hazardous Waste Identification Division. Patricia is also responsible for coordinating the National Brownfields Training Conference.
In this episode, Patricia delves into how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has broadened the financial resources available for brownfields redevelopment. While highlighting the newfound opportunities this legislation brings, she also sheds light on the numerous challenges that persist. Looking toward the future, she offers insightful predictions on the ongoing evolution of the industry and gives an interesting preview of the 2023 National Brownfields Training Conference (Detroit, August 8–11). Be sure to register today!